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DSGN 382-1: Service Design Studio I

Quarter Offered

Fall : Tuesday, 12:30-3:20pm; Ford Studio 3 ; Amy O'Keefe


DSGN 106-1,2 or DSGN 208. Enrollment by Instructor consent


This course is part of a 2-quarter sequence. The second course is DSGN 382-2.

During the 20-week Service Design Studio sequence course, students draw on the project partner’s current understanding of the challenge space and known barriers to begin researching, designing, prototyping, testing, and iterating new services. and service interventions. Recent past projects have focused on designing delightful, efficient, and effective queuing experiences; partners have included Lurie Children’s Hospital Emergency Department (AY24), Southwest Airlines (AY23), and a number of local small businesses (AY22).

With a cohort of 15-20  students, 3-5 teams each explore different areas within a larger challenge prompt. Students work in team-based, multidisciplinary settings that challenge them to apply design thinking skills to a diverse set of real problems and people.

Final deliverables include an explainer video demonstrating their service intervention and service design tools including journey maps, service blueprints, stakeholder/ecology understanding, along with other relevant supporting documentation. By the end of the sequence, every student has a design portfolio piece that serves as a valuable and practical resource for showcasing their work to prospective employers and project collaborators.

If you would like a permission number for this course, please complete this form; you can expect to receive a response in 2-3 business days. Priority is given to 4th year and 3rd year students in the MaDE and Certificate programs.


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